
Industrial PCs

Unbreakable Performance for Demanding Environments

Whether on forklifts, in freezers, or as communication kiosks in customer areas – our devices are specifically designed for use in extreme conditions. They effortlessly withstand shocks, vibrations, extreme temperatures, dust, and humidity. With optional glove-friendly touchscreens, scratch-resistant displays, and a wide range of connection options, our devices are intuitive to operate and can be flexibly adapted to your processes.

Thanks to their robust construction and high-quality components, our industrial PCs are the perfect companions for mobile applications and stationary installations.

Self-check-in or self-service processes

Der kompakte Industrie-PC für den Einsatz auf kleinem Raum
Unidat 8,4" / 10" / 12"

2.275,00 3.429,00 

Robuster Industrie-PC aus Aluminium und Stahl. Ideal für Maschinenbedienung und industrielle Anwendungen 15" / 19"

2.398,00 3.493,00 

Robuster Widescreen Industrie-PC aus Aluminium und Stahl. Ideal für Maschinenbedienung und industrielle Anwendungen 22" / 24"

2.795,00 3.834,00 


Can't find the perfect product?

We create tailored Industrial PCs that meet your exact needs. Let’s bring your vision to life!